Chapter IX: Why do our “trough periods” make us so vulnerable (Lewis, 43)? Is this applicable to you? Trough periods make us vulnerable because they provide excellent opportunities for us to be tempted, and they can lead to a direct attack of our faith or can cause us to become discouraged. Yes, this is applicable to me, especially when it comes to being discouraged in hard times.
Chapter IX: What does beautiful truth about pleasure does Screwtape share? Make a list of pleasures. Screwtape shares the beautiful truth that pleasures are “produced” by God, and that although Screwtape admits that only God can make them, pleasures can still be used in the wrong context and turned into something that brings displeasure to God.
List of pleasures: food, books, music, manga, and playing with my dog.
Chapter X: What are your thoughts regarding “parallel lives” (Lewis, 51)? What does this mean to you? When people lead parallel lives they grow used to those totally different sides of their lives being different and separate and that abnormal way for them to live actually becomes their norm. To me this means that some people who lead parallel lives do not actually see the danger in their growing accustomed to it.
Chapter XI: What are your thoughts on music and joy after reading this chapter? My thoughts on music and joy after reading this chapter are that music and joy, when focused on the right things, are ways in which humans can glorify God. But they can also be used for the purpose of the devil if our minds aren’t in the right place and we take delight in music that does not have good meaning or if we have joy in those things that should not give us any joy at all.
Chapter XII: What is the “safest road to Hell” (Lewis, 61)? Do you agree or disagree? According to Screwtape, the safest road to Hell is a gradual one, one that gently slopes and has no sharp turns. I disagree with this statement because if the road is a gradually sloping one then humans will have a harder time detecting that they are heading downward.
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